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About Dr Salman Bajwa


Dr. Salman Bajwa is an experienced Child Specialist, providing dedicated pediatrician services to the residents of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

  • Is Dr. Bajwa an accredited Child Specialist?
  • Where did Dr Bajwa get his medical education?
  • Where did Dr. Bajwa do his speciality training?
  • What is Dr Bajwa’s clinical experience in pediatrics?
  • What is Dr Bajwa’s foreign experience?
  • Where does Dr. Bajwa is currently available for consultation?
  • What are timings of Dr. Bajwa for consultation?
  • What type of consultation is provided by Dr. Bajwa?
  • What are the expertise of Dr. Bajwa?
  • What types of vaccinations are provided by Dr. Bajwa?
  • What are the fees and prices?
Is Dr. Bajwa an accredited Child Specialist?


Where did Dr Bajwa get his medical education?

Dr Bajwa did his MBBS from Rawalpindi Medical College (UHS) in 2007.

Where did Dr. Bajwa do his speciality training?

Dr Bajwa did his FCPS (Pediatrics) training from CPSP at Rawalpindi Medical College and allied hospitals including Benazir Bhutto Hospital and Holy Family Hospital.

What is Dr Bajwa’s clinical experience in pediatrics?

Apart from the pediatric residencey of 4 years , Dr Bajwa has been working a pediatric consultant since January 2013.

To learn more about Dr. Bajwa, please click here.

What is Dr Bajwa’s foreign experience?

Dr Bajwa has worked as Registrar pediatrician at Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for an year.

Where does Dr. Bajwa is currently available for consultation?

At South East Hospital (Islamabad Diagnostic Center), PWD, Islamabad.

What are timings of Dr. Bajwa for consultation?

Monday – Saturday
Morning: 10:00 AM – 01:30 PM
Evening: 06:30 PM – 10:00 PM

Sunday: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

To make an appointment, please click here.

What type of consultation is provided by Dr. Bajwa?
  1. Sick or well baby check up
  2. Growth and Development Consultation
  3. Nutrition Counselling
  4. Vaccination
  5. Pediatric Emergencies

For more details, please click here.

What are the expertise of Dr. Bajwa?
  1. General Pediatric
  2. Neonatal Resuscitation Program
  3. Toddler
  4. Travellers

For more details, please click here.

What types of vaccinations are provided by Dr. Bajwa?
  1. Childhood Vaccines
  2. Adult Vaccines
  3. Emergency Vaccines
  4. Travel Vaccines

For more details of vaccines, please click here.

What are the fees and prices?

Consultation Fee
First Visit: Rs. 1,500
Subsequent Visits: Rs. 1,200

For vaccination prices, please click here.

Dr. Salman Bajwa

Dr Bajwa, a graduate of Rawalpindi Medical College, batch 29 (2007), did his FCPS residency at Benazir Bhutto Hospital and Holy Family Hospital.
He has worked as Registrar pediatrics in Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Baby Medics,
Main PWD Double Road, Police Foundation, Islamabad
Email: dr [@]
Phone | Whatsapp: +92 333 5196658


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