1. Stay home and get plenty of rest.
Mind your flu manners. On the first day you have symptoms, call your work or school and tell them you won’t be coming in for a few days. You’re sick — and very contagious! Take advantage of down time and give your body some much-needed rest. Curl up on the couch and spend some time reading, watching DVDs, or just cat-napping while your body battles the virus.
2. Drink plenty of fluids.
Make sure you get more liquids. It doesn’t all have to be water — fruit juices, sports drinks, and broth-based soups (like chicken noodle soup) also count. They keep your respiratory systemhydrated and help turn that nasty, thick mucus into a thin liquid you can coughup and spit out. That’s good — if it builds up in your lungs it could lead to an infection.
3. Treat aches and fever.
Got fever? That’s because your body has turned up the heat to fight off the flu virus.
4. Take care of your cough.
Over-the-counter treatments can calm your hack. Try an expectorant, which turns mucus into liquid so you can cough it up. Don’t give over-the-counter cough or cold medicine to children under 4.
5. Sit in a steamy bathroom.
If you’re still stuffed up, sit in the bathroom with the door closed. Let the shower run hot until the room fills with moist steam. Sit away from the water to avoid burns.
6. Run the humidifier.
If the air in your house is dry, a mist humidifier or vaporizer can moisten it to help ease congestion and coughs. Don’t use a warm mist because it can promote the growth of bacteria and molds. Also make sure to keep the device clean to prevent mold development.
7. Try a lozenge.
Sucking on soothing lozenges will moisten and coat a scratchy throat. It may quiet your cough, too.
8. Get salty.
Saline nose drops or sprays are available over-the-counter at any drug or grocery store. They work, they’re safe — even for kids. Put several drops into one nostril, and gently blow the mucus and saline out. Repeat the process on the other side until both are unblocked.
9. Ask for an antiviral.
You take these drugsas soon as symptoms start. They can lessen and shorten the flu. Call your doctor if you have signs of the flu and are at a higher risk for complications. That includes people who are 65 and older or those younger than 2 years of age. It also includes those with certain chronic conditions including problems with lungs, heart, kidney, liver or a weak immune system.
Source: WebMd